Capture©Capture|Evaina TEINAORETahiti Tourisme wins the 2023 French Communication TrophiesOur 2023 global communication campaign titled 'Treasure Every Moment in The Islands of Tahiti' won the first prize at the 2023 Communication Trophies in France, in the category...Read more2023 12 Qhse Remise Label Challenge Pour Un Fenua Durable Tahiti Tourisme 1©2023 12 Qhse Remise Label Challenge Pour Un Fenua Durable Tahiti Tourisme 1|MNTahiti Tourisme awarded the Challenges for a Sustainable Fenua labelTahiti Tourisme has adopted an eco-responsible approach by competing for the "Challenges for a sustainable Fenua" label and has been awarded the gold level.Read more« Previous12
Dancer From Rurutu ©Dancer From Rurutu |Tahiti TourismeContact our marketsUntamed Nature, Valley of the Papenoo - Tahiti Tourisme ©Untamed Nature, Valley of the Papenoo - Tahiti Tourisme |Dimitri Nguyen VerdenetCAREERSSailboat in Bora Bora - Tahiti Tourisme©Sailboat in Bora Bora - Tahiti Tourisme|Grégoire Le BaconContact usHandicraft - Tahiti Tourisme©Handicraft - Tahiti Tourisme|Grégoire Le BaconCalendar of professional eventsUntamed Nature, Valley of Papenoo - Tahiti Tourisme©Untamed Nature, Valley of Papenoo - Tahiti Tourisme|Myles McGuinnessAPPLICATIONSeashell - Tahiti Tourisme©Seashell - Tahiti Tourisme|Grégoire Le BaconAnnual ReportsPaddleboard in Bora Bora©Paddleboard in Bora Bora|Tahiti TourismeOur international campaigns©Grégoire Le BaconCAMPAIGN TO INCREASE PUBLIC AWARENESS