Thursday 30 october

Tahiti Receptions - San Francisco, Californie

  • Participation ouverte aux partenaires
94102 San Francisco
The aim of this event is to enhance the image and promotion of The Islands of Tahiti, by training travel agents working in San Francisco - California, in the destination's tourism products, with the collaboration of participating Polynesian service suppliers. It is also an opportunity for stakeholders to consolidate existing partnerships and/or create new ones.

Target: American travel agents.
Maximum speaking time: 4 minutes/registered and confirmed Polynesian partner.
Maximum number of...

Opening times

On 30 October 2025


Tahiti Receptions - San Francisco, Californie
  • Participation ouverte aux partenaires
94102 San Francisco
Spoken languages
  • English
Photo de profil
Mari MASUDA Owner
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