©fare nani|© Hélène HavardFāri'ira'a Manihini 2027, the new tourism development strategy for The Islands of TahitiAn action plan that protects natural resources, maximizes the benefits of tourism for the local population and promotes a quality experience for visitors.Towards an inclusive and sustainable tourismDiscover our international awareness campaign: testimonials from tourism professionals explaining the FM27 strategy and the vision of sustainable tourism.
Culture in The Islands of Tahiti©Culture in The Islands of Tahiti|© Grégoire Le BaconTahiti Tourisme committed to the responsible development of tourism in The Islands of Tahiti2023 is the first year of deployment of the FM27 tourism development strategy, which aims to position The Islands of Tahiti as a leading destination for inclusive and...Read moreTowards an inclusive and sustainable tourismDiscover our international awareness campaign: testimonials from tourism professionals explaining the FM27 strategy and the vision of sustainable tourism.Read more« Previous12345Next »