Academy Of English Voyages

  • Services
  • Various services
  • Education (Schools, Universities, Institutes)
, 98714 Papeete
The "So british" academy in Tahiti.
Mary British by birth. I grew up in England. I arrived in Tahiti 28 years ago, and I opened the Academy to pass on my culture and language to Polynesian children.
I welcome children from the age of 4, the specialty of my school is to work with playful and manual activities while keeping the common school program typical of England.
I also accompany children on language trips to New Zealand twice a year so that they can practice the language, discover the culture and have a good “Kiwi”...


Academy Of English Voyages
, 98714 Papeete
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Updated on 09 October 2024 at 16:32
by Tahiti Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 6342145)
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