Comité Du Tourisme De Moorea

  • Tourism institutions
  • Departmental Tourist Authority
Comité du Tourisme de Moorea, 98728 Paopao
To welcome and inform the tourists on the possible activities and events on the island of Moorea essentially, to put at the disposal of the public the tourist information, To advise the tourist actors in their steps of development of company or project of tourist general interest, To work out the tourist strategy of the Commune and to adapt if possible to the strategy of tourist development of the FP, To analyze the sites known as tourist, in order to raise the deficiencies or improvements...


Comité Du Tourisme De Moorea
Comité du Tourisme de Moorea, 98728 Paopao
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Updated on 11 September 2024 at 11:14
by Tahiti Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 6342160)
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