Le Vin De Corail

  • Wines
  • Tasting cellar
  • Producer
, 98776 Rangiroa
A wine of island flavors
Coral wine is aptly named because it comes from the atoll of Rangiroa. The warm climate favored by a dry limestone environment allows the exceptional cultivation of vines. Thus the grape harvest takes place 5 months during the year following a well defined cycle. The vineyard and the cellar of Rangiroa offers white wines (Blanc de corail, Clos du Récif and Blanc moelleux) and rosé wines (Rosé nacarat) of very high quality but also rum (Mana'o Tahiti) from the sugar cane plantation of the atoll.


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All year. Ouvert tous les jours


Le Vin De Corail
, 98776 Rangiroa
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Updated on 23 February 2023 at 14:40
by Tahiti Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 6341679)
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