Maitai Rangiroa

  • Hotel
  • Membre de Tahiti Tourisme
98776 Rangiroa
Maitai is a dream destination for divers, sea lovers and vacation enthusiasts.
The is located on the edge of the lagoon between Avatoru and Tiputa passes.
This hotel offers excellent value, welcoming hospitality, a restaurant, bar, a multitude of activities and much more.
The Maitai is the perfect destination for divers, sea enthusiasts and those who love a sensational vacation.
You'll find a at an affordable price during your stay to discover the...
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All year. Ouvert tous les jours


Maitai Rangiroa
  • Membre de Tahiti Tourisme
98776 Rangiroa
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  • Waterside
Updated on 30 December 2024 at 09:14
by Tahiti Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 6340471)
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