Mata'i Coffee Tahiti is not just about coffee!
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Mata’i Coffee Tahiti, it’s not only a coffee story !
Two crazy dreamers, a disquaire and asommelier, willing to share their love ofsensorial emotions, both eager to offer quality coffee by favoring shortcircuits…and the adventure began !
At the head of the only vinyl store in the region, they want to combine musicand coffee in a unique store located 23 rue Albert Leboucher in Papeete. Andthat’s how the first audiophile café on the island was born ! A vintage andtrendy atmosphere, focusing...
Two crazy dreamers, a disquaire and asommelier, willing to share their love ofsensorial emotions, both eager to offer quality coffee by favoring shortcircuits…and the adventure began !
At the head of the only vinyl store in the region, they want to combine musicand coffee in a unique store located 23 rue Albert Leboucher in Papeete. Andthat’s how the first audiophile café on the island was born ! A vintage andtrendy atmosphere, focusing...
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