Moorea Golf Lodge

  • Bed & breakfast
Moorea Golf Lodge, Motu de Temae, Moorea, Polynésie française, Moorea, 98728 Teavaro
MOOREA GOLF LODGE welcomes you to Moorea, the magic island, and a favorite destination for tourists.tion, and a favorite destination for tourists.
MOOREA GOLF LODGE welcomes you to Moorea, the magic island, and a privileged destination of the tourists. You will find the authenticity of its Polynesian charm, its originality and the warm contact with the population there. We are on the Motu of Temae nearby the sea, at 5 minutes of the international golf course, 10 minutes from the airport of Temae, and 15 minutes from the dock of Vaiare. A discreet place with a magnificent frame, where you could savor a traditional cooking. Pleasant...


4 Bedroom(s)
14 Person(s)
Quality standards
Locations CléVacancesLocations CléVacances
American ExpressAmerican Express
Bank/credit cardBank/credit card
Carte JCBCarte JCB
Union PayUnion Pay


Moorea Golf Lodge
Moorea Golf Lodge, Motu de Temae, Moorea, Polynésie française, Moorea, 98728 Teavaro
Contact Moorea Golf Lodge
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Updated on 14 February 2025 at 11:09
by Tahiti Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 6341433)
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