The Hereatea guesthouse is located 7km from the village, on the east side. The 3 lagoon-side bungalows feature 1 deck, 1 double bed, 1 toilet, 1 washbasin and 1 bathroom.
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The Hereatea guesthouse is located 7km from the village, on the east side. Equipped with 3 bungalows located on the lagoon side, they are composed of: 1 deck, 1 double bed, 1 toilet, 1 sink and 1 bathroom. The boarding house proposes nights with full board or half board. A communal dining room is also available for lunches. A free transfer will ensure your transportation from the airport and activities are proposed according to the request (see on the spot).
Picnic on a motuTour of the...
Picnic on a motuTour of the...
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