Pharmacie Porinetia

  • Services
  • Chemist
  • Medical profession
Pk 2,7 Av. Ariipaea Pomare 98716 Pirae, 98716 Pirae
The dynamic and caring team at Pharmacie Porinetia welcomes you with pleasure and a smile.
We like to maintain a close relationship with you, because we want to ensure that we listen to you and give you the advice you need, in both French and Tahitian. We offer a choice of various specialties (listed below) and are trained to carry out your preparation prescriptions.

An outside Easy-access counter is available for disabled people, parents wishing to keep an eye on their children in the car parked in front of the counter, people who don't have masks when they are required in...


Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance
Car park
Bank/credit cardBank/credit card


All year
All year. Ouvert tous les jours

07:00 - 18:45

07:00 - 18:45

07:00 - 18:45

07:00 - 18:45

07:30 - 12:30
15:00 - 18:00



Pharmacie Porinetia
Pk 2,7 Av. Ariipaea Pomare 98716 Pirae, 98716 Pirae
Contact Pharmacie Porinetia
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Spoken languages
  • English
  • French
Updated on 30 March 2023 at 09:07
by Tahiti Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 6342543)
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