Tahitian Import Export

  • Fruits and derivative products
  • Spirits
  • Rum
ZI Punaruu Hangar 8 et 9, Punaauia, 98718 Punaauia
Tahitian Import Export has been operating in the region for thirty years. We mainly produce spirits for the local market, notably Gauguin rum.
For a long time, we exported vanilla extracts and even today, noni juice (over 1 million liters to date).

Building on this export experience, we have created a range of "rums" and other spirits for this market. Over the past two years, we have begun working in Europe, New Zealand and soon the USA.


All year. Ouvert tous les jours


Tahitian Import Export
ZI Punaruu Hangar 8 et 9, Punaauia, 98718 Punaauia
Contact Tahitian Import Export
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Updated on 17 September 2024 at 08:32
by Tahiti Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 7063056)
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