2023 12 Qhse Remise Label Challenge Pour Un Fenua Durable Tahiti Tourisme 12023 12 Qhse Remise Label Challenge Pour Un Fenua Durable Tahiti Tourisme 1
©2023 12 Qhse Remise Label Challenge Pour Un Fenua Durable Tahiti Tourisme 1|MN

Tahiti Tourisme awarded the “Challenges for a Sustainable Fenua” label, gold level

In December 2022, The Islands of Tahiti formalized its development strategy for inclusive and sustainable tourism. As part of this dynamic, Tahiti Tourisme is taking an eco-responsible approach by competing for the “Challenges for a Sustainable Fenua” label. This label is offered by the CCISM to organizations wishing to take up concrete challenges in terms of sustainable development.

Published on 26 January 2024

Within the framework of this label, Tahiti Tourisme has implemented a multitude of actions such as waste sorting, the application of eco-responsible habits to reduce energy consumption, the use of ecological and environmentally-friendly cleaning products, the implementation of an eco-responsible policy for all events organized by Tahiti Tourisme, participation in social actions…

After one year’s involvement, Tahiti Tourisme has been awarded the Gold level of the “Challenges for a sustainble Fenua” label for a period of 3 years. This award encourages Tahiti Tourisme to persevere in its CSR approach and to maintain this level of responsibility in sustainable development.

Find out more about this label:

The “Challenges for a sustainable Fenua” label was created in 2018 by French Polynesia’s CCISM. Each year, it invites organizations wishing to adopt a CSR approach to apply for the “Challenges for a sustainable Fenua” label. The goal of the operation is to offer retailers and craftsmen the chance to take up several challenges divided into 7 themes:

  • Waste,
  • Water, Energy
  • Energy,
  • Sustainable development products and services
  • Transport, mobility and travel
  • Local and societal development
  • Raising awareness of sustainable development

Depending on the challenges met, a point system is used to award an equivalent level to the efforts made: bronze, silver or gold, being the highest distinction.

What we do

fur a sustainable tourism