P2 08 Ahe Ahe Tuamotu © Stéphane Mailion Photography 3027x2267P2 08 Ahe Ahe Tuamotu © Stéphane Mailion Photography 3027x2267
©P2 08 Ahe Ahe Tuamotu © Stéphane Mailion Photography 3027x2267
Tahiti Tourisme at a webinar about the development of sustainable tourismin the Pacific

The Pacific Asia Tourism Association invites Tahiti Tourisme to a webinar about the development of sustainable tourism in the Pacific

Published on 10 July 2023

Palau Visitors Authority, Booking.com and Tahiti Tourisme, represented by its CEO Jean-Marc MOCELLIN, were invited to host the webinar organized by the Pacific Asia Tourism Association on May 17th, 2023. Each speaker gave a presentation explaining the challenges and obstacles facing the implementation of their different projects for a sustainable tourism. More than a hundred participants attended the webinar, and most of them were tourism professionals.

The webinar was divided in two parts, beginning with the presentations by Booking.com, Palau Visitors Authority and Tahiti Tourisme and followed by a panel discussion with a question and answer session open to all the participants.

The presentation by Tahiti Tourisme outlined how the destination The Islands of Tahiti is taking measures to achieve a tourism that is inclusive and sustainable, notably by highlighting

  • The roadmap leading to sustainable tourism in French Polynesia, as detailed in the five year tourist development plan – Fāri’ira’a Manihini 2027 – as well as the administrative requirements for the implementation of inclusive and sustainable tourism.
  • 2023, which is the first year of the plan’s implementation, and focuses on educational programs and other actions designed to increase awareness about sustainable tourism among both the general public and tourism professionals
  • International publicity and promotional activities aimed at potential visitors, tour operators, the media and local tourism professionals (travel advice, dedicated press releases, dedicated sections on the institutional website etc.)
  • And lastly, current structuring projects, such as the analysis of the Carbon Footprint of the tourism sector in French Polynesia.
PATA Webinar | Sustainability in the Pacific
PATA Webinar | Sustainability in the Pacific
PATA Webinar | Sustainability in the Pacific

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For 70 years, PATA has staunchly defended the opinion that the tourism and travel industry is not only a positive force for economic growth and job creation, but is also an important motor for cultural empathy. The current state of the world only serves to reinforce the importance of the association, which works in partnership with memebers of the private and public sector for the development of responsible tourism to, from and within the Asia-Pacific region.

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